Hi there and a big warm welcome! I’m Trudy and I love to letter and make meaningful art.
It is such a pleasure to bring words to life and paint beautiful handmade pieces for your events, homes and hearts.
I am blessed with a wonderful husband and three children. I live in Brisbane, which is in the sunny state of Queensland, Australia. I stumbled across lettering in the beginning of 2016 after the birth of my firstborn daughter, when I was looking for some Scripture to be hung in my home. Upon realising I loved writing beautiful letters, I had many requests from others to create art for them as well. I am so thankful for this journey and all those who have supported me along the way. It has morphed from something that God gave me in seed form, into a growing and increasingly thriving endeavour.
So far my favourite projects have included: painting 19 bathroom doors and a set of stairs for a local school, designing and lettering my best selling ‘Who God Says I Am’ , Advent + Easter Card Sets and participating in an annual local Handmade Market with other artisans. Each year I show myself that I can overcome limiting mindsets and that big things start in the small every day steps.
Life has had its fair share of curveballs. In 2010, I lost my father (being only 17 years old) and in 2018, our second child was born with complex heart disease. On top of this, I’ve had two ACL knee reconstructions from touch football and saw my parents go through divorce. In the midst of these traumas, I have been surrounded by loving words from family and friends and most importantly, found refuge in what my Heavenly Father has said concerning this life. Every day is another opportunity to choose a rhetoric of hope and joy, despite our surrounding circumstances.
And to show up again and again, holding fast to truth – His promises and His goodness.
Words are powerful. Words are important. Words change lives. As fickle humans, we often forget the words that God has given to us in his Word. Let’s surround ourselves with His truth and love, constantly being reminded of His plan for our lives. May my pieces inspire and encourage you, remind you of your value and ultimately, point you back to Him. Please join me as we together seek to instil truth deep into our hearts.
I find that being creative, and pursing lettering and painting, has allowed me express the mystery of God and express the beautiful chaos that is this life.
Ultimately, I’m about proclaiming truth and celebrating life.
Message and say hi! I’d love to meet you.
May you be filled with His peace and love,
Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.